Articles and Updates

Indefeasibility of Title Part 1 – Welcome to the Vortex

In relation to land and property rights in Malaysia, our country adopts the Torrens System, where registration is its cornerstone. S340(1) of the National Land Code provides that “the title or interest of any person or body for the time being registered as proprietor of any land, or in whose name any lease, charge or...

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Compulsory Land Acquisition Part 1 – Concept and Process

Introduction The Federal Constitution guarantees one’s right to ownership of property where private property cannot be compulsory acquired unless there is such law that allows the acquisition, accompanied with adequate compensation being paid to the deprived owner. By this, we should take note that our constitutional rights of ownership are not absolute. With the implementation...

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Winding Up & Its Implications On Companies

Winding up is a process in which the existence of a company is brought to an end, where assets of a company are collected and realized by a legally appointed liquidator. The proceeds collected will be used to discharge the company’s debt and liabilities.  There are two types and/or modes of winding-up as pursuant to...

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Impact of Pandemics (like COVID-19) on Contractual Rights and Obligations

On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) finally declared the latest coronavirus (“COVID-19”) a worldwide pandemic, affecting 200countries and causing tens of thousands of deaths to-date. Due to the surging numbers of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia since the start of 2020, the Malaysian Government issued a “Movement Control Order” (“MCO”) from 18th March 2020...

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Sudahkah Anda Menulis Wasiat?

Ramai dalam kalangan orang Islam menganggap menulis wasiat adalah perkara yang tidak begitu penting dalam menguruskan perancangan harta di masa hadapan. Maka, tidak hairanlah dilaporkan ramai orang Islam tidak membuat persiapan menulis wasiat kerana beranggapan urusan harta diletakkan di bawah faraid sahaja. Penulisan wasiat seharusnya perlu dilakukan mulai dari sekarang iaitu semasa hayat masih ada...

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Personal Data Protection – The 2015 Standard

PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION – The 2015 Standard Following the enforcement of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) on 15 November 2013, many questions were raised in respect to the practical implementation of the PDPA’s requirements and what the benchmark for compliance is. In response to such queries, the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia of...

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